Senin, 12 November 2007

Fwd: Prevent French Anti-Hijab Laws on 3rd February 2004

--- In, "Islah Net" <islahnet@...> wrote:

Prevent French Anti-Hijab Laws on 3rd February 2004

Following the tremendous success of the 17th of January when thousands in
more than 35 countries heeded the Muslim Association of Britain and Muslim
Women Society's call to an International Day of Solidarity with the
'Hijab', MAB and MWS call on everyone to show their protest once again
against the proposed Anti-Hijab laws on Tuesday the 3rd of February when
these laws will be deliberated in the French Parliament.

MAB Defend The Hijab Campaign, Click
Here to
find out more

Saturday the 17th of January was a day when people of all faiths, all
colours and races came together to support our basic freedom of worship,
faith and belief. People from all creeds and cultures spoke loudly against
the proposed laws which would in effect violate French Muslim women's
human rights and signal a dangerous turn in favour of xenophobes, racists
and fascists throughout Europe. The Muslim Association of Britain and the
Muslim Women Society wish to express their heartfelt thanks and
gratitude to
all those who stood tall, spoke loudly and promoted Muslim women's
right to
wear the Hijab.

Indications following the 17th, show that these efforts have not been in
vain. Many French politicians are currently re-assessing their
positions in
respect to this issue and to where they may stand come the 3rd of

Therefore MAB and MWS have decided to call on the world once again to
against these draconian proposals turning into laws which would disaffect
millions of Muslim girls and women in schools and work-places throughout
France and other European countries. This call entails the following:

1. MAB and MWS call for pickets and demonstrations to be held in front of
French Embassies, Consulates and Diplomatic Missions around the world,
delivering messages of protest against these proposed laws and
demanding the
French Parliament block them.

2. For messages, letters, faxes and e-mails to be sent to all local
parliamentarians and politicians calling on them to contact their French
counterparts and express their objection to these proposals which defy and
breach the basic notions of secularism, upon which modern France was

3. On the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, which falls on the 1st of February when
hundreds of millions of Muslims will be attending Eid sermons and prayers
world-wide, we call on Islamic scholars, imams, and leaders to declare the
issue of Hijab as the main theme of the Eid sermon (Khutba),and to
call for
a total and firm support for French Muslims in their present plight.

A concerted effort can make a difference. France and its politicians must
realise that approving laws that prevent Muslim women and girls from
their Islamic Hijab, is to lose the sympathy and support of Muslims
world-wide who appreciated and admired France's brave and courageous stand
in the lead-up to the war on Iraq.

Make Tuesday the 3rd of February 2004 a day of action and protest for
freedom and human and civil rights.

Picket Outside French Embassy

Date: 3rd February 2004

Time: 11:00 - 14:00

Venue: French Embassy, 58 Knightsbridge, London, SW1

For further information please visit

To take part in International Hijab Campaign please contact us on:

Also Read:

When the veil means freedom

Natasha Walter
Tuesday January 20, 2004

<> The Guardian

Respect women's choices that are not our own, even if they include wearing
the hijab

French MPs reappraise plan to outlaw veils

Jon Henley in Paris

January 20 2004

The Guardian

The French government's plan to ban Islamic veils from schools came under
sustained fire yesterday when MPs, shaken by a weekend of protests and
violence, began asking whether the move would inflame religious tensions
rather than ease them,3604,1126747,00.html

Muslim Association of Britain
Muslim Women Society
21st of January, 2004

The Muslim Association of Britain has local branches across the UK that
provide localities with a wide range of regular events and activities,
including study circles, talks, social gatherings and much more. Click
<> to see what is going on in
your area.

The Muslim Association of Britain (MAB)
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally

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