I have a number of websites that have been registered, but due to
time constraints and commitments I have been unable to make much
progress with some of them. I am looking for brothers/sisters who
are experienced web designers or can work on their own initiative
to develop, build and promote these sites. You should have time on
your hands, be Islamically minded, and motivated for dawah and/or
profit. For revenue generating sites, we can come to a mutual
agreement about how to distribute any profits insha'Allah.
Listed below are the sites I have available for this opportunity
and some ideas I had in mind for them:
(1) www.buymuslim.com, www.buymuslim.net, www.buymuslim.co.uk -
primarily for profit. Extensive work had gone into www.buymuslim.net
which was the main shopping portal. Professional e-commerce software
had been installed and many products listed. However due to the time
needed, I was unable to carry on with these sites. The potential for
these sites are huge. If www.buymuslim.net remained as the shopping
portal offering Islamic products and goods, www.buymuslim.com and
www.buymuslim.co.uk could be information portals for Muslim
(2) www.trademuslim.com - primarily for profit. Similar concept to
above, but was primarily intended for Muslim businesses to trade
with each other, in a way similar to Alibaba.com. With a worldwide
Muslim population over 1.2 billion, the potential is huge.
(3) www.muslimyouth.co.uk - primarily a da'wah website, offering
media, news, articles and da'wah material for Muslim youth in the
UK. Could be coupled with providing Islamic products aimed at
youth to generate some revenue.
(4) www.islamicmarriage.co.uk - for profit as well as providing an
important service to the Muslim community. Would offer a marriage
introduction service aimed mainly at UK Muslims. Free software has
been installed (ignore the homepage images!) and configured. Needs
to be re-designed with relevant graphics yet to be supplied. With
over 2 million Muslims in the UK it has considerable potential.
Should be a free service, but once in full flow, users could be
charged for enhanced features. However, please note, this should
be an "Islamic" matrimonial service, not an opportunity for
"dating/free-mixing" that some other so-called Muslim marriage
sites appear to be functioning as.
(5) www.themuslimummah.com - primarily for da'wah, although would
need to generate revenue for expansion into other areas. Intention
was to start as an independant Muslim news website. Once enough
traffic established could charge for advertising. Potential to
turn into website for a Muslim newspaper eventually.
(6) www.zahera.com - primarily for profit. Intention was to set it
up as a Muslim women's website. Could offer various products and
services aimed at Muslim women/girls, such as suitable jobs, hijabs,
clothing, books, beauty/health services, etc.
All these sites can be incorporated with each other and create a
high-traffic, productive audience insha'Allah. The idea is to create
Muslim websites with a strong Internet presence. The potential for
all of them is great, and if combined together the possibilities
are enormous. It just needs time, effort and money.
If you are interested in helping/working with these opportunities,
please contact Suhail:
E-mail: suhail@...
Tel: 0709 222 1924
Fax: 0709 233 8518
Islamic Circles Presents:
Br Abdul Karim Hattin (Author of "From the Shadows")
Date: Sunday 15th February 2004
Time: 11am - 1pm
Ya'juj wa Ma'juj (Gog and Magog) were two powerful but barbarious
tribes that caused prejudice and chaos on the Earth, killing
God-fearing men and devastating all their provisions and plantation.
Their off-spring are believed to be still alive somewhere in the
East behind lofty mountains where Dhul-Qarnayn, had erected a
powerful barrier (wall) to protect the people.
"They said, Dhul-Qarnayn! Ya'juj and Ma'juj are causing corruption
in the land. Can we, therefore, pay tribute to you in return for
your constructing a barrier between us and them?" (Qur'an, 18:94)
"But when Ya'juj and Ma'juj are let loose and they rush headlong
down every hill .." (Qur'an, 21:97)
.. Zaynab bint Jahsh (ra) narrated, the Prophet (saws) got up
from his sleep; his face was flushed and he said, "There is no
god but Allah. Woe to the Arabs, for a great evil which is nearly
approaching them. Today a gap has been made in the wall of Gog
and Magog like this (Sufyan illustrated this by forming the number
of 90 or 100 with his fingers). Someone asked, "Shall we be
destroyed even though there are righteous people among us?" The
Prophet said, "Yes, if evil increases." (Bukhari).
Who are they? Some say they are the Mongols or Chinese? Others are
claiming that they are the Khazar Jews? Some believe they are Turkic
people? What did they do? Who was Dhul-Qarnayn? Was he Alexandar
the Great? Where is the 'Wall' of Ya'juj and Ma'juj? In Central Asia
or is it the Great Wall of China? What will happen when they return?
What will they look like? How will they conquer space? What is the
role of Isa (as) in all this?
For more than four thousand years the story of Dhul-Qarnayn and the
terrors of Ya'juj wa Ma'juj have become enshrouded in tales of myth
and fantasy. Dusting away the sands of history, Abdul Karim Hattin,
author of 'From the Shadows', presents an exclusive talk at the Froud
Centre following more then two years of research into two of the major
signs of the Day of Judgement. Using the latest in archaeological,
historical and hadith literature along with the incorruptible words
of the Qur'an, this lecture will insha'Allah go some way to further
confirming the truth of Islam and the impending and terrible Day of
Judgement. A full slide show will also be presented on the day -
fantasy will become reality!
Venue: Froud Centre, Romford Road (on the corner with Toronto Ave),
Manor Park, London, E12 5JF
* Light refreshments available
* There will also be book and information stalls
For more details contact:
Tel: 07092 032 136
E-mail: islamic_circles@...
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