Senin, 12 November 2007

Fwd: SACRIFICE-The Making of a Muslim

--- In, "Islah Net" <islahnet@...> wrote:

SACRIFICE-The Making of a Muslim - Khurram Murad

Annual pilgrimage Hajj in Makkah, Muslims remember and commemorate the
trials and triumphs of the Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him). The
Qur'an describes Abraham as follows:

"Surely Abraham was an example, obedient to Allah, by nature upright,
and he was not of the polytheists. He was grateful for Our bounties.
We chose him and guided him unto a right path. We gave him good in
this world, and in the next he will most surely be among the
righteous." (Qur'an 16:120-121)

At the end of the pilgrimage, Muslims throughout the world celebrate
the Festival of Sacrifice (Eid al-Adha). During this celebration,
Muslims commemorate and remember this incident, by themselves
slaughtering an animal such as a sheep, camel, or goat. This action
is very often misunderstood by those outside the faith.

It is very important to understand that the sacrifice itself, as
practiced by Muslims, has nothing to do with atoning for our sins or
using the blood to wash us from sin. This is a misunderstanding by
those of previous generations:

"It is not their meat nor their blood that reaches Allah; it is your
piety that reaches Him." (Surah Al-Hajj 22:37)

The symbolism is in the attitude - a willingness to make sacrifices in
our lives in order to stay on the Straight Path. Each of us makes
small sacrifices, giving up things that are fun or important to us. A
true Muslim, one who submits his or herself completely to the Lord, is
willing to follow Allah's commands completely and obediently. It is
this strength of heart, purity in faith, and willing obedience that
our Lord desires from us.

SACRIFICE-The Making of a Muslim

Among many known books of Khurram Murad, this is a short yet thought
provoking exposition. It covers the following areas: Introduction of
Sacrifice, Why Sacrifice? (Islam: A Path of Struggle, Struggle: The
Indispensable Key, Islam and Sacrifice) What is Sacrifice? (Tangible &
Intangible) How to Sacrifice? (Love for Allah, Two Great Models of
Sacrifice) And Conclusion.

A very useful and valuable reference for Muslims, and for Non-Muslims
wishing to gain a deeper understanding of Sacrifice in Islam.

Author Biography: Khurram Murad was born in Bhopal, India in 1932, and
migrated to Pakistan in 1948. He studied civil engineering at the
University of Karachi (BEng. 1952), securing 1st place in the
University, and went on to study in the University of Minnesota (USA)
(MSc. 1958), he worked as a leading consulting engineer in Karachi,
Dhaka, Tehran and Riyadh.

Associated Consulting Engineers Ltd., with which he worked as a Chief
Engineer and Resident Director, was responsible for the initial design
and electrification of the extension of the Masjid al-Haram, Makkah
and He played an important role in the formulation and implementation
of the plans for extension of the Haram.

He also served as the Director General of the Leicester-based Islamic
Foundation, UK and was a household name among British Muslims
throughout the seventies and eighties.

An author of over thirty works in Urdu and English, his thoughts have
influenced two generations of Muslims the entire world over and he
delivered Hundreds of Islamic lectures on different Topics.

His death came on Thursday 19th December 1996 (9th Sha'ban 1417 AH) at
the Glenfield Hospital, Leicester.

TIME to know the Great Sprit of SACRIFICE - TIME to follow & Implement.

Please read
SACRIFICE - The Making of a Muslim

Khurram Murad

Available FREE

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(A unique & comprehensive FREE e-Library in Multiple Languages) Many
more books are available in Multiple Languages

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